How Our DFY Program (Business in a Box™) Works

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How Our DFY Program (Business in a Box™) Works

Scroll down for testimonials

This is for you if you're a coach/consultant who is...

This is for you if you're a coach/consultant who is...

  • Making LESS than 10k/mo...
  • Wanting to get more clients and money faster
  • Tired of the organic grind of posting, DMing, and getting on sales calls
  • Wanting a team (copywriter, setter, closer) to get consistent high ticket clients for you organically

This is NOT for you if...

This is NOT for you if...

  • You don't care about the impact you'll make
  • You like spending time doing the sales and marketing work yourself
  • You don't want more time to travel, spend time with family, or work on hobbies

Why this is different

Most Programs

  • Mentoring/Teaching/Course, maybe 1 on 1 time
  • They aren’t financially invested in your success



Business in a Box™

  • As many 1 on 1 meetings as you need,
  • Á la carte DFY options
  • We guarantee consistent clients for you because we do everything
  • You and I are basically business partners. I’m paid from results I bring you
  • We give you scripts and templates to continue getting clients (on your own or with a team) after our agreement

How Does it Work?

For most,

75-days of 1 on 1 support

(agreements are custom)

First we create or refine your High-Ticket Offer together

For most, 75-days of 1 on 1 support (agreements are custom)

First we create or refine your High-Ticket Offer together

  • I'm going to be selling it, so I have to make sure it's top-notch

Then I create a custom marketing campaign for you based on any assets you have
More info about our process in FAQs)

Then I create a custom marketing campaign for you based on any assets you have

  • I and my team draft content, book, and enroll clients for you (or you can choose what to do yourself)
  • My work for you on creating the offer and campaign is why we charge an upfront deposit - I've done the work and been taken advantage of before.
  • You get 5 clients at ~2-5k each (minus our commission), guaranteed
  • We can guarantee results because we do the work, end to end.

After we're done, you'll have a consistent organic client acquisition process ($10k+/mo) you can scale with

After we're done, you'll have a consistent organic client acquisition process ($10k+/mo) you can scale with


  • Me and my team can only work with a few clients at a time because it is very high touch
  • Because this isn't scalable, I am capping this offer to a few more spots (9 left as of Dec 6, 2023)


If we don't deliver you clients as agreed, you have a choice:

1. Get a full refund + $150 (spa day for the stress), or

2. We work for free until you do.

Your choice.


  • You get the messaging & sales scripts, and the content blueprints we used to get the clients
  • 1 extra month of 1-on-1 meetings to make sure you understand how to implement everything on your own OR set up your own acquisition team (2.5-10k+ value) (Limited)


“It’s not going to work for me.”

If you can put content into your own words and are coachable, it’ll work for you. We take care of everything else.

“I’ve tried other programs, and they haven’t worked.”

Not like this one. I do almost everything. Guaranteed results

“I don’t think I’m ready for someone to take over parts of my business.”

You will always be limited in the income and impact you make unless you outsource to scale your business

“I don’t need this.”

If you love marketing and sales AND are good at it, you probably don’t need me

Why do you need an upfront investment?

Couple reasons:

- I've been burned before. I put in a full month of work to create the offer and campaign, and the client took my work and did his own thing after. Month of work, poof, gone.

- I need to pay the people that will help me create your campaign.

- During our agreement, you'll need my time and expertise for whatever meetings and trainings become necessary.

Think of this DFY offer as a more affordable, easier version of all those coaching offers you see out there, with guaranteed delivery from someone actually working shoulder-to-shoulder WITH you in your business.

As you can imagine, this isn't scalable and as such, is a limited time offer.

“I don’t have thousands to invest.”

I have payment plans, and we also work partly on commission, so it's less up front than even mentoring programs that don't offer to do any work for you.

This is the only program I know of that offers client acquisition end-to-end.

I've been in your shoes before, and I know how stressful prospects can look without a clear way forward.

I made this limited program specifically to give coaches everything I wish I had starting out.

“How do I know if you will generate results for me.”

Scroll below to see testimonials

“Do I need to have an audience to get started?”

No, I can generate clients from scratch. But if you have existing audiences, I’ll get you results that much faster

"Can I come back in a month when I 'm ready?"

There isn’t a program like this that I know of with guaranteed clients.

Space is very limited, and I won't be doing this for much longer (it's a lot of work!).

How do we source clients for you?

It's custom based on your assets- existing social media audiences, email list, current network. We go for the lowest hanging fruit first. They already know and trust you.

If there aren't enough there, we find them based on market research. Could be on Instagram, LinkedIn, Tiktok, Facebook, etc.


Kevin- Business Consultant/Agency Owner

8k+ in the first 45 days

Derek- Fitness Coach

20k+ in the first 1.5 months

Helene - Business Coach

£11k increase in revenue from 30% increase in close rate

Fred- Marketing Consultant

~5k+, 3 clients in the first 3 weeks

Malte-Executive Communication Coach

$1350 after ONE simple document and a video explanation

Rosemary - Intuitive Eating Dietitian

Resolved mindset block, got clarity with niche

Jutta-Women's Empowerment Coach

Clarity and peace of mind after our second meeting

Steve got clarity and more deals for his business in 2 weeks

If you want a professional team to get clients for you


set up a team to get you out of the sales and marketing grind for good...

DM me now.

I'll offer this to only 5 more coaches/consultants (as of Mar 14, '24).

After that I'll only teach and consult.

Click/tap the messenger logo above to DM me questions or if you're ready to make more money and help more people

Click/tap the messenger logo above to DM me questions or make some REAL income in your business in the next few weeks

Click/tap the Facebook logo above to see my values, who I am as a person, life goal, etc.

Click/tap the Facebook logo above to see my values, who I am as a person, life goal, etc.



Kevin- Business Consultant/Agency Owner

8k+ in the first 45 days

Derek- Fitness Coach

20k+ in 1.5 months

Helene - Business Coach

£11k increase in revenue from 30% increase in close rate

Fred- Marketing Consultant

~5k+, 3 clients in the first 3 weeks

Malte-Executive Communication Coach

$1350 after ONE simple document and a video explanation

Rosemary - Intuitive Eating Dietitian

Resolved mindset block, got clarity with niche

Jutta-Women's Empowerment Coach

Clarity and peace of mind after our second meeting

Steve got clarity and more deals for his business in 2 weeks

If you want a professional team to get clients for you


set up a team to get you out of the sales and marketing grind for good...

DM me now.

I'll offer this to only 5 more coaches/consultants (as of Mar 14, '24).

After that I'll only teach and consult.

Click/tap the messenger logo above to DM me questions or if you're ready to make more money and help more people

Click/tap the messenger logo above to DM me questions or make some REAL income in your business in the next few weeks

Click/tap the Facebook logo above to see my values, who I am as a person, life goal, etc.

Click/tap the Facebook logo above to see my values, who I am as a person, life goal, etc.